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Cheap Flights to Honolulu (HNL)

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Search Airline Tickets to Honolulu, Hawaii

How to get cheap flights to Honolulu?

Flight prices can vary significantly depending on the time of year, day of the week, and time of day. Be open to adjusting your travel dates to find the best deals. Midweek flights and off-peak seasons tend to have lower fares.

Looking forward to exploring Honolulu? PcTravel is at your disposal. Grab flights to Honolulu and save using our year round offers. Book your airline tickets to Honolulu from a vast list of primary airlines with great in-flight experience at an affordable price with PcTravel.

What can I explore in Honolulu?
The largest city in Hawaii, Honolulu is the primary gateway to the state and a major port into the United States. A business and military defense hub, the city has several distinct neighborhoods. Downtown is the historical center, Waikiki is the touristic center with its sandy beaches, and Pearl Harbor boasts military and naval bases. Honolulu is a cosmopolitan city famed for having a blend of east-west and Pacific culture, traditions, and cuisines. The city is lined with museums, cultural institutions, and performing art venues such as Bishop Museum, Hawaii Theater, Honolulu Symphony, and more. A cultural cocktail, Honolulu is famed for its flavorful local cuisine and traditional laau celebrations. The city is also the home of the world-famous Mai Tai drink. Honolulu’s dormant volcano, Diamond Head is a popular attraction as well.

What is the best time to visit Honolulu?
Weather-wise, the best time to take flight to Honolulu is from September to November. During these months, the temperature remains mild. September to November is an excellent time to visit for surfers as the water level is perfect to enjoy surfing. The best time to visit Honolulu is during the shoulder seasons, which are the months of April to June and September to November. During these periods, the weather is generally pleasant, and the tourist crowds are smaller compared to the peak summer months.

What are the major airlines offering flights to Honolulu?

- Hawaiian Airlines
- Alaska Airlines
- JetBlue Airlines
- Delta Air Lines

What are the top attractions in Honolulu?

- Pearl Harbor
- Iolani Palace
- USS Arizona Memorial
- Lyon Arboretum and Manoa Falls
- Diamond Head State Monument
- Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
- USS Missouri Battleship
- Honolulu Museum of Art
- Koko Crater Railway Trail
- Bishop Museum and Planetarium

What are the major events and festivals celebrated in Honolulu?
Honolulu celebrates a plethora of events and festivals each year. Some of the major festivals and events held in Honolulu are Pacific Island Arts Festival (January), Cherry Blossom Festival (January-March), Honolulu Festival (March), Merrie Monarch Festival (April), King Kamehameha Day (June), Prince Lot Hula Festival (July), Aloha Festivals (August-September), Hawaii International Film Festival (October),Honolulu Marathon (December), and Honolulu City Lights (December).

How far in advance should I book Honolulu flights?
Booking in advance can get you great Honolulu flight deals. Book at least 35 to 56 days in advance to grab cheap flights to Honolulu. Peak Season (June to August and major holidays), Shoulder Seasons (April to June and September to November), Off-Peak Season (December to March) and Special Events or Festivals

How long are flights to Honolulu?
Heading to Hawaii? Then you’re probably in for a long flight! Of course, it’s always important to consider where the plane is taking off. If, for example, you booked plane tickets to Honolulu from Chicago, you can easily expect a 9-hour flight. On the other hand, taking off from Los Angeles to Honolulu will take a bit less than 6 hours. Those living in the Fort Worth area in Texas in need of booking cheap plane tickets to Honolulu will have to endure more than 8 hours. Flights to Honolulu from Atlanta, Georgia, usually take around 9 hours to land. Living on the East Coast? Snag your flight from New York City and brace yourself, because you’ll have to wait almost 11 hours to be able to say aloha at your destination!

Facts About Flying to Honolulu, Hawaii

  • The percentage of Honolulu travelers over the age of 35 was 46%.
  • The percentage of Honolulu travelers over the age of 60 was 13%.
  • The percentage of Honolulu travelers who booked First or Business Class Class was 4%.
  • The percentage of Honolulu travelers who traveled with kids under 14 was 9%.
  • The percentage of Honolulu travelers who were millennials was 37%.
  • The percentage of Honolulu travelers who were female was 51%.
  • Average number of days spent by travelers in Honolulu was 5.
  • Month with most bookings for Honolulu was November.
  • Month with least bookings for Honolulu was April.