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Cheap Flights to Seattle (SEA)

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Search Airline Tickets to Seattle, Washington

How to get cheap flights to Seattle?

Flight prices can vary significantly depending on the time of year, day of the week, and time of day. Be open to adjusting your travel dates to find the best deals. Midweek flights and off-peak seasons tend to have lower fares.

Check for flights to alternative airports near Seattle, such as Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), as well as nearby airports in neighboring cities like Bellingham (BLI) or Portland (PDX). Sometimes, flying to a nearby airport and then taking ground transportation to Seattle can be more cost-effective.

Want to explore Seattle? PcTravel is the answer to all your travel related queries. Get flights to Seattle and save with our year round deals. Book your airline tickets to Seattle from a range of airlines with great in-flight experience at a price that suits your budget with PcTravel .

What can I explore in Seattle?
A seaport city on the West Coast, Seattle is the largest city in Washington. Among the astest growing major cities in the US, Seattle is an industrial and economic hub. The city is a major gateway for trade with Asia and a center of innovation. With an expresso bar at every corner, Seattle is also known as the ‘Coffee Capital’ of the country. The culturally rich city is replete with museums and art venues such as Burke Museum, Seattle Art Museum, Museum of History and Industry, and more. Hometown of bands such as Pearl Jam and Nirvana, Seattle has a vibrant music scene and is lined with several jazz clubs. Seattle is famous for being the home of Starbucks. In addition to the Space Needle, the city’s various shopping alternatives also draw visitors.

What is the best time to visit Seattle?
Weather-wise, the best time to take flights to Seattle is from mid-June to early-September. During these months, the temperature remains mild. May and October are best bets for cheap plane tickets to Seattle when it isn’t peak tourist season.

What are the major airlines offering flights to Seattle?

- American Airlines
- Alaska Airlines
- United Airlines
- JetBlue Airlines
- Sun Country Airlines
- Delta Air Lines

What are the top attractions in Seattle?

- Space Needle
- Pike Place Market
- Museum of Pop Culture
- Seattle Center
- Smith Tower
- Seattle Aquarium
- Olympic Sculpture Park
- Seattle Great Wheel
- Golden Gardens Park
- Washington Park Arboretum UW Botanic Gardens

What are the major events and festivals celebrated in Seattle?
Seattle celebrates a plethora of events and festivals each year. Some of the major festivals and events held in Seattle are Seattle Chamber Music Winter Festival (January), Seattle Boat Show (February), Best of the Northwest (March), Seattle Cherry Blossom Festival (April), Ballard Jazz Festival (May), Seattle International Film Festival (June), Chinatown-International District Dragonfest (June), Capitol Hill Block Party (July), Seattle International Beerfest (July), Olympic Music Festival (August), Washington State (Puyallup) Fair (September), Dia de Muertos (November), and Argosy Christmas Ships Festival (December).

How far in advance should I book Seattle flights?
Booking in advance can get you great Seattle flight deals. Book at least 42 to 60 days in advance to grab cheap flights to Seattle.

How long does it take to fly to Seattle?
Flights to Seattle from New York City generally take 6 hours 10 minutes.

Is There a Way to Score Cheap Flights to Seattle?
Sure thing! Actually, there’s more than just one way to nail those cheap plane tickets to Seattle you’ve been looking for. The first thing you should do is start browsing the web for cheap airline tickets to Seattle as soon as possible. At least one month in advance would be ideal. Then, be sure to subscribe to travel alerts in order to get notified the moment any flights to Seattle become available. Lastly, try to be flexible with your travel dates if your schedule allows it. These are just a few examples, but there are more tricks any savvy traveler should try from time to time. Join a frequent flyer program. Earn and redeem rewards points. Mix and match different airlines and airports. When it comes to search for cheap flights to Seattle, the sky’s the limit!

Facts About Flying to Seattle, Washington

  • The percentage of Seattle travelers over the age of 35 was 52%.
  • The percentage of Seattle travelers over the age of 60 was 16%.
  • The percentage of Seattle travelers who booked First or Business Class Class was 2%.
  • The percentage of Seattle travelers who traveled with kids under 14 was 6%.
  • The percentage of Seattle travelers who were millennials was 35%.
  • The percentage of Seattle travelers who were female was 50%.
  • Average number of days spent by travelers in Seattle was 13.
  • Month with most bookings for Seattle was August.
  • Month with least bookings for Seattle was April.